Sunday, September 1, 2013

waiting (95)

 Waiting, 4x12, gesso, charcoal, gray acrylic, $40
Into black and white right now, and grey.  Uncomplicated.
Click here to purchase.

I am joining a group of artists whose goal is to paint everyday in September.
Leslie Byrd Saeta is the leader who is organizing this.  She has a lot of enthusiasm.
Her blog is here:
The artists taking part in this will upload to her blog everyday in September.

I have been painting most everyday already.  I am on number 95, so as to keep myself
organized, I am going to start with this number.  Once I am finished with September,
I should be at number 125.  (30 days has September...)
Thanks for looking at my blog!  Trish


Chris Lally said...

Uncomplicated and beautiful, Trisha.

Chris Lally said...

Wow! Great start, Trisha.