Monday, July 2, 2012

My Self Portrait and Alice Neel

I resist self portraits because of the stereotypical "artists are so into themselves".
But, the truth is we always have ourselves for exploring, and practicing. 
All I need is a mirror and a medium.  Plus - it is kind of fun to do self portraits.

I extended this to a portrait of Alice Neel, one my favs as far as portrait artists go. 
What did I learn?
I learned that (reminded actually) pastels are so versatile. I am in love.
Also, that I do better with a limited palette for painting, and to use as few
strokes as possible, or I muddy up my paintings pretty fast.  Trish

Moi (pastel on Arches watercolor paper) detail and full

Alice Neel (Oil ) full and detail



Gloria E. Moses said...

I can see you! I think you did a great job on both. I avoid doing the self-portraits, I don't want to look that close! LOL

Patricia Ansert Art said...

I think it would be fabulous Gloria. Thanks!